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Marine Le Pen Plans To Exit Eurozone If Elected

Marine Le Pen Plans to Exit Eurozone if Elected

Weak Understanding of EU Blamed for Nationalist Sentiment

Hardline Nationalist Campaigned for 'Frexit' in 2017

France's far-right presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, has pledged to withdraw the country from the eurozone within six months if elected. The move would represent a significant departure from France's current economic and political alignment with the European Union.

Le Pen's Frexit plan is based on the belief that France is being suffocated by decisions made in Brussels. She has argued that the eurozone is a "straitjacket" that prevents France from pursuing its own economic policies.

Le Pen's supporters are predominantly drawn from the working class, who feel that they have been left behind by globalization. They are attracted by her promises to protect French jobs and businesses.

However, Le Pen's Frexit plan has been met with skepticism by economists. They argue that it would damage the French economy and lead to job losses.

It is unclear whether Le Pen would be able to implement her Frexit plan if elected. France has a written constitution that states that any changes to the country's membership of the European Union must be approved by a referendum.
