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Exploitative System Synonym

Exploitative Systems


An exploitative system is one in which individuals or organizations benefit at the expense of others.

Synonyms for Exploitative System

* 1. oppressive * 2. predatory * 3. cruel * 4. unjust * 5. exploitative * 6. abusive * 7. corrupt * 8. heartless * 9. ruthless * 10. venal * 11. rapacious * 12. unconscionable * 13. extortionate * 14. barbaric


Exploitative systems can be found in a variety of contexts, including the workplace, the justice system, and the global economy. In the workplace, exploitative systems may take the form of low wages, long hours, or unsafe working conditions. In the justice system, exploitative systems may take the form of mass incarceration or racial profiling. In the global economy, exploitative systems may take the form of colonialism, neocolonialism, or unfair trade practices.

Exploitative systems can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities. They can lead to poverty, inequality, and social unrest. They can also damage the environment and contribute to climate change.

It is important to be aware of the exploitative systems that exist in our world and to work to dismantle them. We can do this by supporting fair trade, voting for progressive candidates, and working to create a more just and equitable world.

The fight against exploitative systems is a long and difficult one, but it is a fight that must be fought. We cannot afford to allow those who would profit from the exploitation of others to continue to do so.
